sábado, 13 de julho de 2019


We live in an era of shadow banning and algorithmic banning of user-generated content on social media platforms.

It is a principle of Ethics, in my opinion, that the information content generated by an user in the Commons, belongs to the user. Think about medical records: it is widely recognized as and ethical and operational principle that the information belongs to the patient, and never to the entity that provides the service of care.

It has recently become an object of debate the fact that the big tech companies have taken upon themselves to act as "filters" for what they perceive are legitimate views - or not.

Likewise as in the case of patient records, I see no Ethical foundation for tech companies to take it upon themselves to "filter" or censor ideas, based on an algorithm that carries the design of the world view of those who design them (please go read about Project Veritas and the new Google algorithm.)

We have seen the encroaching tech-based censorship.  There was a time Google only did search, and a time where Twitter was for twitting. Now, tech companies want to shape society.

Some perceive censorship to be nice, as long as it doesn't reach YOU. However, we have hundreds of years of Philosophy to teach us that this is the slippery slope.

It is unacceptable that the flow of ideas or debates in the Commons be subject to the tech aristocracy.

It is a principle of Freedom and Democracy the right to the Free Expression of ideas. A Free and Open Society is a better society.

It is a principle of living that ideas be debated, and what you perceive to be wrong ideas must be debated even more.

Violence is reserved only for those who exert violence (e.g., the Nazi regime).

With more and more tech companies controlling the debate in the Commons, we must have clear ethical guidelines for this day and age.

The Santa Clara Principles on Content Moderation  is signed by, among others, the American Civil Liberties Union, the Electronic Frontiers Foundation.

Please read them. It's short.

Understand that neither Google, Facebook, YouTube or Twitter are acting in accordance to these guidelines. And be worried. Be very worried.


sábado, 6 de julho de 2019

Learning the Eiffel programming language takes a bit of effort

Learning the Eiffel programming language takes a bit of effort in 2019. Not that it's overly complicated (although it is sophisticated), but because there's just barely any documentation for newbies out there. No-one blogs about it. The Eiffel mindshare is very small, and this has to do with historical facts. When Eiffel was "hot," the Web, as we know it, didn't exist. Then C++ gained ground, parasitizing on C-oidness. Sun Microsystems soon followed, with a massive marketing campaign. This is partly the fault of Eiffel vendors, who didn't see the open source movement coming (the same thing happened to Smalltalk and Common Lisp).

Today, if you care to learn Eiffel, you must hunt for books. Then once you get them, you find out that the language spec has been updated, and you have to go through the code, trying to update it by looking at the current Eiffel classes documentation, Of course, Eiffel being Eiffel, this is totally doable, but not really easy sailing if you're a total beginner. 

A great place to start learning Eiffel in 2019

Eiffel ain't dead yet. It's used in Healthcare (I know this for a fact).

Here´s a pointer to start learning learning it, including how to write tests and start working with the awsome EiffelStudio.

BTW, it's 2019 and you can download EiffelStudio's GPL version. To be honest, the proprietary license is not horribly expansive (I asked the sales rep).

York University's Eiffel site

BON grammar - Business Object Notation

-- This grammar for the BON textual notation was extracted from the
-- text of the book "Seamless Object-Oriented Software Architecture"
-- and turned into plain Ascii format for easy use by anyone
-- interested in building a parser for the language.
-- For a general description of this notation and examples of its use,
-- see appendix A and B of the book, pp. 349-380.
-- The book text is freely available at http://www.bon-method.com.

Bon_specification ::= {Specification_element ...}+
Specification_element ::= Informal_chart | Class_dictionary | Static_diagram |
    Dynamic_diagram | Notational_tuning

Informal_chart ::= System_chart | Cluster_chart | Class_chart |
    Event_chart | Scenario_chart | Creation_chart
Class_dictionary ::= 'dictionary' System_name
    {Dictionary_entry ...}+
Dictionary_entry ::= 'class' Class_name 'cluster' Cluster_name
    'description' Manifest_textblock
System_chart ::= 'system_chart' System_name
    ['indexing' Index_list]
    ['explanation' Manifest_string]
    ['part' Manifest_string]
Cluster_entries ::= {Cluster_entry ...}+
Cluster_entry ::= 'cluster' Cluster_name
    'description' Manifest_textblock
System_name ::= Identifier
Index_list ::= {Index_clause ";" ...}+
Index_clause ::= Identifier ":" Index_term_list
Index_term_list ::= {Index_string "," ...}+
Index_string ::= Manifest_string
Cluster_chart ::= 'cluster_chart' Cluster_name
    ['indexing' Index_list]
    ['explanation' Manifest_string]
    ['part' Manifest_string]
Class_entries ::= {Class_entry ...}+
Class_entry ::= 'class' Class_name
    'description' Manifest_textblock
Cluster_name ::= Identifier
Class_chart ::= 'class_chart' Class_name
    ['indexing' Index_list]
    ['explanation' Manifest_string]
    ['part' Manifest_string]
    ['inherit' Class_name_list]
    ['query' Query_list]
    ['command' Command_list]
    ['constraint' Constraint_list]
Query_list ::= {Manifest_string "," ...}+
Command_list ::= {Manifest_string "," ...}+
Constraint_list ::= {Manifest_string "," ...}+
Class_name_list ::= {Class_name "," ...}+
Class_name ::= Identifier
Event_chart ::= 'event_chart' System_name
    ['incoming' | 'outgoing']
    ['indexing' Index_list]
    ['explanation' Manifest_string]
    ['part' Manifest_string]
Event_entries ::= {Event_entry ...}+
Event_entry ::= 'event' Manifest_string 'involves' Class_name_list
Scenario_chart ::= 'scenario_chart' System_name
    ['indexing' Index_list]
    ['explanation' Manifest_string]
    ['part' Manifest_string]
Scenario_entries ::= {Scenario_entry ...}+
Scenario_entry ::= 'scenario' Manifest_string
    'description' Manifest_textblock
Creation_chart ::= 'creation_chart' System_name
    ['indexing' Index_list]
    ['explanation' Manifest_string]
    ['part' Manifest_string]
Creation_entries ::= {Creation_entry ...}+
Creation_entry ::= 'creator' Class_name 'creates' Class_name_list

Static_diagram ::= 'static_diagram' [Extended_id] [Comment]
    'component' Static_block 'end'
Extended_id ::= Identifier | Integer
Comment ::= {Line_comment New_line ...}+
Line_comment ::= "--" Simple_string
Static_block ::= {Static_component ...}
Static_component ::= Cluster | Class | Static_relation
Cluster ::= 'cluster' Cluster_name
    ['reused'] [Comment]
Cluster_components ::= 'component' Static_block 'end'
Class ::= ['root' | 'deferred' | 'effective']
    'class' Class_name [Formal_generics]
    ['reused'] ['persistent'] ['interfaced'] [Comment]
Static_relation ::= Inheritance_relation | Client_relation
Inheritance_relation ::= Child 'inherit' ["{" Multiplicity "}"]
    Parent [Semantic_label]
Client_relation ::= Client 'client' [Client_entities] [Type_mark]
    Supplier [Semantic_label]
Client_entities ::= "{" Client_entity_expression "}"
Client_entity_expression ::= Client_entity_list | Multiplicity
Client_entity_list ::= {Client_entity "," ...}+
Client_entity ::= Feature_name | Supplier_indirection |
Supplier_indirection ::= [Indirection_feature_part ":"] Generic_indirection
Indirection_feature_part ::= Feature_name | Indirection_feature_list
Indirection_feature_list ::= "(" Feature_name_list ")"
Parent_indirection ::= "->" Generic_indirection
Generic_indirection ::= Formal_generic_name | Named_indirection
Named_indirection ::= Class_name "[" Indirection_list "]"
Indirection_list ::= {Indirection_element "," ...}+
Indirection_element ::= "..." | Named_indirection
Type_mark ::= ":" | ":{" | Shared_mark
Shared_mark ::= ":" "(" Multiplicity ")"
Child ::= Static_ref
Parent ::= Static_ref
Client ::= Static_ref
Supplier ::= Static_ref
Static_ref ::= {Cluster_prefix ...} Static_component_name
Cluster_prefix ::= Cluster_name "."
Static_component_name ::= Class_name | Cluster_name
Multiplicity ::= Integer
Semantic_label ::= Manifest_string

Class_interface ::= ['indexing' Index_list]
    ['inherit' Parent_class_list]
    ['invariant' Class_invariant]
Class_invariant ::= Assertion
Parent_class_list ::= {Class_type ";" ...}+
Features ::= {Feature_clause ...}+
Feature_clause ::= 'feature' [Selective_export]
Feature_specifications ::= {Feature_specification ...}+
Feature_specification ::= ['deferred' | 'effective' | 'redefined']
    Feature_name_list [Type_mark Type]
Contract_clause ::= Contracting_conditions 'end'
Contracting_conditions ::= Precondition | Postcondition | Pre_and_post
Precondition ::= 'require' Assertion
Postcondition ::= 'ensure' Assertion
Pre_and_post ::= Precondition Postcondition
Selective_export ::= "{" Class_name_list "}"
Feature_name_list ::= {Feature_name "," ...}+
Feature_name ::= Identifier | Prefix | Infix
Rename_clause ::= "{" Renaming "}"
Renaming ::= "^" Class_name "." Feature_name
Feature_arguments ::= {Feature_argument ...}+
Feature_argument ::= "->" [Identifier_list ":"] Type
Identifier_list ::= {Identifier "," ...}+
Prefix ::= 'prefix' '"' Prefix_operator '"'
Infix ::= 'infix' '"' Infix_operator '"'
Prefix_operator ::= Unary | Free_operator
Infix_operator ::= Binary | Free_operator
Formal_generics ::= "[" Formal_generic_list "]"
Formal_generic_list ::= {Formal_generic "," ...}+
Formal_generic ::= Formal_generic_name ["->" Class_type]
Formal_generic_name ::= Identifier
Class_type ::= Class_name [Actual_generics]
Actual_generics ::= "[" Type_list "]"
Type_list ::= {Type "," ...}+
Type ::= Class_type | Formal_generic_name
Unary ::= 'delta' | 'old' | 'not' | "+" | "-"
Binary ::= "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" |
    "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=" |
    "\(eq" | "/=" | "/" | "\\" | "^" |
    'or' | 'xor' | 'and' | '"->"' | '"<->"' |
    'member_of' | ":"

Assertion ::= {Assertion_clause ";" ...}+
Assertion_clause ::= Boolean_expression | Comment
Boolean_expression ::= Expression
Expression ::= Quantification | Call |
    Operator_expression | Constant
Quantification ::= Quantifier Range_expression
    [Restriction] Proposition
Quantifier ::= 'for_all' | 'exists'
Range_expression ::= {Variable_range ";" ...}+
Restriction ::= 'such_that' Boolean_expression
Proposition ::= 'it_holds' Boolean_expression
Variable_range ::= Member_range | Type_range
Member_range ::= Identifier_list 'member_of' Set_expression
Type_range ::= Identifier_list ":" Type
Call ::= [Parenthesized_qualifier] Call_chain
Parenthesized_qualifier ::= Parenthesized "."
Call_chain ::= {Unqualified_call "." ...}+
Unqualified_call ::= Identifier [Actual_arguments]
Actual_arguments ::= "(" Expression_list ")"
Expression_list ::= {Expression "," ...}+
Operator_expression ::= Parenthesized | Unary_expression | Binary_expression
Parenthesized ::= "(" Expression ")"
Unary_expression ::= Prefix_operator Expression
Binary_expression ::= Expression Infix_operator Expression
Set_expression ::= Enumerated_set | Call | Operator_expression
Enumerated_set ::= "{" Enumeration_list "}"
Enumeration_list ::= {Enumeration_element "," ...}+
Enumeration_element ::= Expression | Interval
Interval ::= Integer_interval | Character_interval
Integer_interval ::= Integer_constant ".." Integer_constant
Character_interval ::= Character_constant ".." Character_constant
Constant ::= Manifest_constant | 'Current' | 'Void'
Manifest_constant ::= Boolean_constant | Character_constant |
    Integer_constant | Real_constant |
´     Manifest_string
Sign ::= "+" | "-"
Boolean_constant ::= 'true' | 'false'
Character_constant ::= "'" Character "'"
Integer_constant ::= [Sign] Integer
Real_constant ::= [Sign] Real
Manifest_textblock ::= String_begin String String_end
String ::= {Simple_string New_line ...}+
Manifest_string ::= String_begin Simple_string String_end
Dynamic_diagram ::= 'dynamic_diagram' [Extended_id] [Comment]
    'component' Dynamic_block 'end'
Dynamic_block ::= {Dynamic_component ...}
Dynamic_component ::= Scenario_description |
    Object_group |
    Object_stack |
    Object |
Scenario_description ::= 'scenario' Scenario_name [Comment]
    'action' Labeled_actions 'end'
Labeled_actions ::= {Labeled_action ...}+
Labeled_action ::= Action_label Action_description
Action_label ::= Manifest_string
Action_description ::= Manifest_textblock
Scenario_name ::= Manifest_string
Object_group ::= ['nameless'] 'object_group' Group_name [Comment]
Group_components ::= 'component' Dynamic_block 'end'
Object_stack ::= 'object_stack' Object_name [Comment]
Object ::= 'object' Object_name [Comment]
Message_relation ::= Caller 'calls' Receiver [Message_label]
Caller ::= Dynamic_ref
Receiver ::= Dynamic_ref
Dynamic_ref ::= {Group_prefix ...} Dynamic_component_name
Group_prefix ::= Group_name "."
Dynamic_component_name ::= Object_name | Group_name
Object_nam ::= Class_name ["." Extended_id]
Group_name ::= Extended_id
Message_label ::= Manifest_string

Notational_tuning ::= Change_string_marks |
    Change_concatenator |
Change_string_marks ::= 'string_marks' Manifest_string Manifest_string
Change_concatenator ::= 'concatenator' Manifest_string
Change_prefix ::= 'keyword_prefix' Manifest_string