sábado, 13 de julho de 2019


We live in an era of shadow banning and algorithmic banning of user-generated content on social media platforms.

It is a principle of Ethics, in my opinion, that the information content generated by an user in the Commons, belongs to the user. Think about medical records: it is widely recognized as and ethical and operational principle that the information belongs to the patient, and never to the entity that provides the service of care.

It has recently become an object of debate the fact that the big tech companies have taken upon themselves to act as "filters" for what they perceive are legitimate views - or not.

Likewise as in the case of patient records, I see no Ethical foundation for tech companies to take it upon themselves to "filter" or censor ideas, based on an algorithm that carries the design of the world view of those who design them (please go read about Project Veritas and the new Google algorithm.)

We have seen the encroaching tech-based censorship.  There was a time Google only did search, and a time where Twitter was for twitting. Now, tech companies want to shape society.

Some perceive censorship to be nice, as long as it doesn't reach YOU. However, we have hundreds of years of Philosophy to teach us that this is the slippery slope.

It is unacceptable that the flow of ideas or debates in the Commons be subject to the tech aristocracy.

It is a principle of Freedom and Democracy the right to the Free Expression of ideas. A Free and Open Society is a better society.

It is a principle of living that ideas be debated, and what you perceive to be wrong ideas must be debated even more.

Violence is reserved only for those who exert violence (e.g., the Nazi regime).

With more and more tech companies controlling the debate in the Commons, we must have clear ethical guidelines for this day and age.

The Santa Clara Principles on Content Moderation  is signed by, among others, the American Civil Liberties Union, the Electronic Frontiers Foundation.

Please read them. It's short.

Understand that neither Google, Facebook, YouTube or Twitter are acting in accordance to these guidelines. And be worried. Be very worried.


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