-- text of the book "Seamless Object-Oriented Software Architecture"
-- and turned into plain Ascii format for easy use by anyone
-- interested in building a parser for the language.
-- For a general description of this notation and examples of its use,
-- see appendix A and B of the book, pp. 349-380.
-- The book text is freely available at http://www.bon-method.com.
Bon_specification ::= {Specification_element ...}+
Specification_element ::= Informal_chart | Class_dictionary | Static_diagram |
Dynamic_diagram | Notational_tuning
Informal_chart ::= System_chart | Cluster_chart | Class_chart |
Event_chart | Scenario_chart | Creation_chart
Class_dictionary ::= 'dictionary' System_name
{Dictionary_entry ...}+
Dictionary_entry ::= 'class' Class_name 'cluster' Cluster_name
'description' Manifest_textblock
System_chart ::= 'system_chart' System_name
['indexing' Index_list]
['explanation' Manifest_string]
['part' Manifest_string]
Cluster_entries ::= {Cluster_entry ...}+
Cluster_entry ::= 'cluster' Cluster_name
'description' Manifest_textblock
System_name ::= Identifier
Index_list ::= {Index_clause ";" ...}+
Index_clause ::= Identifier ":" Index_term_list
Index_term_list ::= {Index_string "," ...}+
Index_string ::= Manifest_string
Cluster_chart ::= 'cluster_chart' Cluster_name
['indexing' Index_list]
['explanation' Manifest_string]
['part' Manifest_string]
Class_entries ::= {Class_entry ...}+
Class_entry ::= 'class' Class_name
'description' Manifest_textblock
Cluster_name ::= Identifier
Class_chart ::= 'class_chart' Class_name
['indexing' Index_list]
['explanation' Manifest_string]
['part' Manifest_string]
['inherit' Class_name_list]
['query' Query_list]
['command' Command_list]
['constraint' Constraint_list]
Query_list ::= {Manifest_string "," ...}+
Command_list ::= {Manifest_string "," ...}+
Constraint_list ::= {Manifest_string "," ...}+
Class_name_list ::= {Class_name "," ...}+
Class_name ::= Identifier
Event_chart ::= 'event_chart' System_name
['incoming' | 'outgoing']
['indexing' Index_list]
['explanation' Manifest_string]
['part' Manifest_string]
Event_entries ::= {Event_entry ...}+
Event_entry ::= 'event' Manifest_string 'involves' Class_name_list
Scenario_chart ::= 'scenario_chart' System_name
['indexing' Index_list]
['explanation' Manifest_string]
['part' Manifest_string]
Scenario_entries ::= {Scenario_entry ...}+
Scenario_entry ::= 'scenario' Manifest_string
'description' Manifest_textblock
Creation_chart ::= 'creation_chart' System_name
['indexing' Index_list]
['explanation' Manifest_string]
['part' Manifest_string]
Creation_entries ::= {Creation_entry ...}+
Creation_entry ::= 'creator' Class_name 'creates' Class_name_list
Static_diagram ::= 'static_diagram' [Extended_id] [Comment]
'component' Static_block 'end'
Extended_id ::= Identifier | Integer
Comment ::= {Line_comment New_line ...}+
Line_comment ::= "--" Simple_string
Static_block ::= {Static_component ...}
Static_component ::= Cluster | Class | Static_relation
Cluster ::= 'cluster' Cluster_name
['reused'] [Comment]
Cluster_components ::= 'component' Static_block 'end'
Class ::= ['root' | 'deferred' | 'effective']
'class' Class_name [Formal_generics]
['reused'] ['persistent'] ['interfaced'] [Comment]
Static_relation ::= Inheritance_relation | Client_relation
Inheritance_relation ::= Child 'inherit' ["{" Multiplicity "}"]
Parent [Semantic_label]
Client_relation ::= Client 'client' [Client_entities] [Type_mark]
Supplier [Semantic_label]
Client_entities ::= "{" Client_entity_expression "}"
Client_entity_expression ::= Client_entity_list | Multiplicity
Client_entity_list ::= {Client_entity "," ...}+
Client_entity ::= Feature_name | Supplier_indirection |
Supplier_indirection ::= [Indirection_feature_part ":"] Generic_indirection
Indirection_feature_part ::= Feature_name | Indirection_feature_list
Indirection_feature_list ::= "(" Feature_name_list ")"
Parent_indirection ::= "->" Generic_indirection
Generic_indirection ::= Formal_generic_name | Named_indirection
Named_indirection ::= Class_name "[" Indirection_list "]"
Indirection_list ::= {Indirection_element "," ...}+
Indirection_element ::= "..." | Named_indirection
Type_mark ::= ":" | ":{" | Shared_mark
Shared_mark ::= ":" "(" Multiplicity ")"
Child ::= Static_ref
Parent ::= Static_ref
Client ::= Static_ref
Supplier ::= Static_ref
Static_ref ::= {Cluster_prefix ...} Static_component_name
Cluster_prefix ::= Cluster_name "."
Static_component_name ::= Class_name | Cluster_name
Multiplicity ::= Integer
Semantic_label ::= Manifest_string
Class_interface ::= ['indexing' Index_list]
['inherit' Parent_class_list]
['invariant' Class_invariant]
Class_invariant ::= Assertion
Parent_class_list ::= {Class_type ";" ...}+
Features ::= {Feature_clause ...}+
Feature_clause ::= 'feature' [Selective_export]
Feature_specifications ::= {Feature_specification ...}+
Feature_specification ::= ['deferred' | 'effective' | 'redefined']
Feature_name_list [Type_mark Type]
Contract_clause ::= Contracting_conditions 'end'
Contracting_conditions ::= Precondition | Postcondition | Pre_and_post
Precondition ::= 'require' Assertion
Postcondition ::= 'ensure' Assertion
Pre_and_post ::= Precondition Postcondition
Selective_export ::= "{" Class_name_list "}"
Feature_name_list ::= {Feature_name "," ...}+
Feature_name ::= Identifier | Prefix | Infix
Rename_clause ::= "{" Renaming "}"
Renaming ::= "^" Class_name "." Feature_name
Feature_arguments ::= {Feature_argument ...}+
Feature_argument ::= "->" [Identifier_list ":"] Type
Identifier_list ::= {Identifier "," ...}+
Prefix ::= 'prefix' '"' Prefix_operator '"'
Infix ::= 'infix' '"' Infix_operator '"'
Prefix_operator ::= Unary | Free_operator
Infix_operator ::= Binary | Free_operator
Formal_generics ::= "[" Formal_generic_list "]"
Formal_generic_list ::= {Formal_generic "," ...}+
Formal_generic ::= Formal_generic_name ["->" Class_type]
Formal_generic_name ::= Identifier
Class_type ::= Class_name [Actual_generics]
Actual_generics ::= "[" Type_list "]"
Type_list ::= {Type "," ...}+
Type ::= Class_type | Formal_generic_name
Unary ::= 'delta' | 'old' | 'not' | "+" | "-"
Binary ::= "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" |
"<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=" |
"\(eq" | "/=" | "/" | "\\" | "^" |
'or' | 'xor' | 'and' | '"->"' | '"<->"' |
'member_of' | ":"
Assertion ::= {Assertion_clause ";" ...}+
Assertion_clause ::= Boolean_expression | Comment
Boolean_expression ::= Expression
Expression ::= Quantification | Call |
Operator_expression | Constant
Quantification ::= Quantifier Range_expression
[Restriction] Proposition
Quantifier ::= 'for_all' | 'exists'
Range_expression ::= {Variable_range ";" ...}+
Restriction ::= 'such_that' Boolean_expression
Proposition ::= 'it_holds' Boolean_expression
Variable_range ::= Member_range | Type_range
Member_range ::= Identifier_list 'member_of' Set_expression
Type_range ::= Identifier_list ":" Type
Call ::= [Parenthesized_qualifier] Call_chain
Parenthesized_qualifier ::= Parenthesized "."
Call_chain ::= {Unqualified_call "." ...}+
Unqualified_call ::= Identifier [Actual_arguments]
Actual_arguments ::= "(" Expression_list ")"
Expression_list ::= {Expression "," ...}+
Operator_expression ::= Parenthesized | Unary_expression | Binary_expression
Parenthesized ::= "(" Expression ")"
Unary_expression ::= Prefix_operator Expression
Binary_expression ::= Expression Infix_operator Expression
Set_expression ::= Enumerated_set | Call | Operator_expression
Enumerated_set ::= "{" Enumeration_list "}"
Enumeration_list ::= {Enumeration_element "," ...}+
Enumeration_element ::= Expression | Interval
Interval ::= Integer_interval | Character_interval
Integer_interval ::= Integer_constant ".." Integer_constant
Character_interval ::= Character_constant ".." Character_constant
Constant ::= Manifest_constant | 'Current' | 'Void'
Manifest_constant ::= Boolean_constant | Character_constant |
Integer_constant | Real_constant |
´ Manifest_string
Sign ::= "+" | "-"
Boolean_constant ::= 'true' | 'false'
Character_constant ::= "'" Character "'"
Integer_constant ::= [Sign] Integer
Real_constant ::= [Sign] Real
Manifest_textblock ::= String_begin String String_end
String ::= {Simple_string New_line ...}+
Manifest_string ::= String_begin Simple_string String_end
Dynamic_diagram ::= 'dynamic_diagram' [Extended_id] [Comment]
'component' Dynamic_block 'end'
Dynamic_block ::= {Dynamic_component ...}
Dynamic_component ::= Scenario_description |
Object_group |
Object_stack |
Object |
Scenario_description ::= 'scenario' Scenario_name [Comment]
'action' Labeled_actions 'end'
Labeled_actions ::= {Labeled_action ...}+
Labeled_action ::= Action_label Action_description
Action_label ::= Manifest_string
Action_description ::= Manifest_textblock
Scenario_name ::= Manifest_string
Object_group ::= ['nameless'] 'object_group' Group_name [Comment]
Group_components ::= 'component' Dynamic_block 'end'
Object_stack ::= 'object_stack' Object_name [Comment]
Object ::= 'object' Object_name [Comment]
Message_relation ::= Caller 'calls' Receiver [Message_label]
Caller ::= Dynamic_ref
Receiver ::= Dynamic_ref
Dynamic_ref ::= {Group_prefix ...} Dynamic_component_name
Group_prefix ::= Group_name "."
Dynamic_component_name ::= Object_name | Group_name
Object_nam ::= Class_name ["." Extended_id]
Group_name ::= Extended_id
Message_label ::= Manifest_string
Notational_tuning ::= Change_string_marks |
Change_concatenator |
Change_string_marks ::= 'string_marks' Manifest_string Manifest_string
Change_concatenator ::= 'concatenator' Manifest_string
Change_prefix ::= 'keyword_prefix' Manifest_string
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